A simple graphic created by sound waves containing a variety of pictures from  articles. The graphic is showing Dagbladet Information's new concept where you are able to listen to audio articles. The 'sound wave' is used for marketing advertising in multiple formats.
Graphics for Dagbladet Information
Illustration, collage, layout, book design
From October 2021 to June 2022, I worked at the in-house graphics department at Dagbladet Information - a politically independent newspaper, established by the Danish resistance movement in 1943, and known for its serious and in-depth journalism as well as its strong visual profile.
Illustration for an article in Dagbladet Information discussing how there are certain things in society that goes beyond the borders of politics. A person crossing a circle consisting of the danish parties’ colors became the most direct way to visually underpin the story.
Book cover for the Danish publishing house named 'Informations Forlag'. The cover is the 22nd issue in a book series called ‘Moderne Ideer’ (translated: ‘Modern ideas’) — which deals with the biggest challenges of the time. For the next publication a professor of epidemiology writes about how we can handle future pandemics. The cover of the book is kept in a simple design language with coronaviruses fading over time. As an extra design challenge, the series is always published in the same two colors. 
For the 298th issue of Dagbladet Informations ‘Moderne Tider’ I designed the cover and spreads for an article addressing how people are being pressured into getting vaccinated and how the anti-vaxxers are increasingly being excluded from society. The simple yet bold cut-out illustration style emphasizes the message and seriousness. The colors and contrasting sizes also adds to the story of how anti-vaxxers are experiencing to be “pushed” around in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In the light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine the Danes were this year invited to the polling station to vote on abolishing the Danish Defence Reservation – a referendum that if approved would increase Danish military spending and allow Denmark to join EU-led conflicts. For an article in ‘Dagbladet Information’ I created an illustration which combines a gun covered by flowers, doves of peace and the EU flag — all to symbolize the dilemma of voting for or against the Defence Reservation. The article was brought as a quiz, where you could test what you should be voting. 
In this article for Dagbladet Information my illustration serves the purpose of showing how the goverment is planning to move educations from the big cities to the countryside. The rather dark and dystopian style helped dramatize the story.